Tennis shoulder, also known as rotator cuff tendonitis, swimmer’s shoulder, pitcher’s shoulder, or shoulder impingement syndrome, involves tearing and swelling of the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff comprises the muscles and tendons that stabilise the upper arm in the shoulder joint. This condition frequently arises in sports requiring repetitive overhead arm movements. In sports science literature, the generation of as much energy as possible for the serving motion is referred to as the ‘thrower’s dilemma’.


Shoulder pain: Shoulder pain is the primary symptom. Initially, pain may only occur during activities involving lifting the arm overhead. Over time, pain can manifest even when moving the arm forward, such as shaking hands.

Pain with specific movements: Pushing objects away can be painful, while pulling objects towards the body is not.

Night pain: The affected shoulder may be particularly painful at night, disrupting sleep.

Limited range of motion: If there is shoulder pain when raising the arm above the shoulder, it may be due to tennis shoulder.

Holistic Treatment

Optimal shoulder function relies on a well-coordinated kinetic chain, stability, and scapular movement during overhead actions. A balanced action of the rotator cuff muscles and capsular structures is crucial for a stable centre of rotation. Treatment approaches include:

Rest and shoulder realignment: Resting the injured tendons and straightening the shoulder are essential first steps.

Activity Modification: Avoiding exercises that involve pushing objects away or raising the elbows above the shoulder.

Acupressure: Acupressure points such as Li 15, Tw 14, Si 9, 13, and St 38 (see figure) may be used. Massage on this points for relief.

Understanding the biomechanical alterations that contribute to shoulder injuries is crucial for effective treatment and management. By addressing the underlying causes and implementing holistic treatment strategies, tennis players and other athletes can effectively manage tennis shoulder and prevent future occurrences.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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