Security forces recently seized two Starlink devices in Manipur’s Imphal East district. After this incident, speculations about the use of satellite internet by extremists in Manipur have gained momentum. On the other hand, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has clarified that Starlink satellite beams are not active in India.


Starlink’s satellite beam over India has been shut down. A user who shared photos of items seized by the Indian Army’s Spear Corps on social media X reported that one of the devices had the Starlink logo on it. Then another user commented that Starlink is being used by extremists. Hopefully Elon Musk will pay attention to this matter. After this Musk replied that this is a lie. Starlink satellite beams have been shut down over India. It was never operational in India. Let us tell you that Musk’s company Starlink, which provides satellite internet services, does not have a license to operate in India. According to Manipur Police, the items seized from Keerao Khunau include a satellite internet antenna, a satellite internet router and an FTP cable of about 20 metres.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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