Mumbai: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasted that the dream city will have partly cloudy skies with fog or mist on January 10. The inhabitants rise to delightful mornings with reduced humidity, creating a wintry sensation despite mild temperatures.
Mumbai Weather Today
Today’s temperature in Mumbai, January 10, 2025, stands at 25°C. The forecast for the day predicts a minimum of 24°C and a maximum of 31°C. The wind speed is 6 km/h and the relative humidity stands at 45%. The sun began to rise at 07:13 AM and is set to set at 06:17 PM.
Mumbai Weather Forecast For Week
On Saturday, January 11, 2025, it is forecasted that Mumbai will have a minimum temperature of 22 °C and a maximum of 31 °C. Tomorrow, humidity will reach 50%.
IMD Mumbai weather forecast | IMD Colaba
On January 12, Sunday, the lowest temperatures were 21 and the highest at 32, with forecasts suggesting predominantly clear skies. On Monday, January 13, the lowest temperatures will be 22 and the highest at 32, with mainly clear skies expected. On Tuesday, January 14, minimum temperatures were at 22 and maximum at 33, with the forecast indicating mainly clear skies. On Wednesday, January 15, minimum temperatures remained at 22 and maximum at 33, with the weather again predicted to feature mainly clear skies.
Mumbai Air Quality
The AQI in Mumbai today is registered at 123, which is classified as moderate. Everyone ought to be careful. Children and individuals with respiratory conditions, like asthma, ought to remain inside, and others should also reduce their outdoor activities. The use of masks and air purification devices is recommended. Understanding the AQI enables individuals to make educated choices about their overall health when organizing the day’s events.