As per the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Mumbai is expected to have mostly clear skies on December 7, providing a delightful day for both locals and tourists.
The forecast indicates a temperature variation from a chilly morning minimum of 21 degrees Celsius to a warm midday maximum of 33 degrees Celsius. In Mumbai, the sun is expected to rise at 6:58 AM and set at 6:01 PM, resulting in a little more than 11 hours of daylight.
Tomorrow’s Weather Prediction
On Sunday, December 8, 2024, Mumbai is expected to have a minimum temperature of 24.92 °C and a maximum temperature of 26.85 °C. Tomorrow, the humidity will reach 38% with mainly clear skies according to IMD weather prediction.
Mumbai AQI Today
The AQI in Mumbai today is recorded at 109, showing moderate air quality levels in the city. Children and individuals with respiratory problems, such as asthma, should stay indoors, while everyone else should limit their outdoor activities as well. Grasping the AQI allows people to make educated decisions regarding their general well-being while planning daily tasks.
Weather Prediction For The Following Five Days
Looking forward, the forecast for Mumbai indicates a steady pattern with predominantly clear skies anticipated during the next five days. Here is a comprehensive analysis:
December 8: Morning temperatures will be around 19 degrees Celsius, reaching a maximum of 32 degrees Celsius later in the day.
December 9: A chilly morning at 18 degrees Celsius, increasing to 31 degrees Celsius later in the day.
December 10: Mildly warmer weather with a minimum of 20 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 31 degrees Celsius.
December 11: A mild day is expected, with temperatures ranging from 21 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius.
December 12: Comparable conditions will endure, with temperatures ranging from 21 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius.
Organize your activities to take advantage of Mumbai’s pleasant weather in the days ahead.