Raipur: On the backdrop of the Bangladesh crisis, the BJP-led government in Chhattisgarh has announced strict measures against illegal Bangladeshi migrants residing in the state on fake documents. Home Minister Vijay Sharma stated that all illegal Bangladeshi intruders will be arrested and expelled. Earlier, before the Bangladesh crisis erupted, BJP identified the majority of these Bangladeshi residents as illegal Rohingiyas.

During a media interaction in Bhilai, Sharma mentioned that many of the identified illegal residents are Bangladeshi intruders. He provided updates on recent actions taken against illegal migrants, revealing that 46 Bangladeshi intruders in Kondagaon district are currently in jail. Additionally, 500 illegal migrants have been expelled from Bastar, and around 350 from Kawardha district.

The police have been directed to take decisive action against any illegal Bangladeshi migrants found in the state, including reports of such individuals living in Durg district, where action will be initiated soon.

The HM also briefed the media about the Chhattisgarh government’s anti-Naxal and rehabilitation policies, emphasizing it aims to reintegrate misguided youth who have joined Maoist forces due to misinformation in the mainstream of the society.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah is set to visit Bastar for the upcoming Bastar Olympics, during which Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai will announce several significant schemes for surrendered Naxals and victims of Naxal violence.

On this occasion, 100 individuals who have renounced violence will be appreciated for their return to the mainstream.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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