The Union Railway Minister posted a video on his X (previously Twitter) on December 5, demonstrating the finishing of a 410-meter Hyperloop test track, indicating major advancements in India’s aspirations for high-speed transport.

The test track at IIT Madras’ Discovery Campus in Thaiyur is the result of a collaboration among Indian Railways, the Avishkar Hyperloop team at IIT-Madras, and TuTr Hyperloop, a startup developed at the institute.

The Union Minister labeled the post as “India’s first Hyperloop test track (410 meters) finished.”

In his post, the minister praised the team for their innovative efforts, conveying hope about India’s capability to achieve the futuristic Hyperloop technology shortly.

“Kudos to Team Railways, the Avishkar Hyperloop team from IIT-Madras, and TuTr (an incubated startup).”

According to a statement, the primary goal of the Hyperloop team is to develop and market Hyperloop technologies for efficient, cost-effective, dependable, and sustainable transportation at high speeds. The Ministry of Railways in India plays a crucial role in the development of Hyperloop technology at IIT Madras.

The 410-meter Hyperloop testing track at IIT Madras’s Discovery Campus in Thaiyur experienced its first trial at a speed of 100 km/h. The tests will now continue on the extended track, aiming for speeds close to 600 km/h from that point.

As per a release, the Hyperloop team’s central objective is the advancement and commercialisation of Hyperloop technologies for high-speed, affordable, reliable, and sustainable transportation. India’s Ministry of Railways is a key partner in this Hyperloop technology development initiative at IIT Madras.

The 410-meter Hyperloop test track at IIT Madras’s Discovery Campus in Thaiyur was the maiden run at a speed of 100 km/h. Now the tests will proceed on the longer track and will make their way to speeds of about 600 km/h from there.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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