Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda recently announced that she is all set to pursue a special MBA course at Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in Ahmedabad, and soon after, netizens trolled her and claimed that she secured the spot in the prestigious institution due to “influence” and “privilege”. However, a professor from IIMA has now come to Navya’s defense and she stated that the starkid cracked the admission on her own merit.
Promila Agarwal, who is an associate professor at IIMA, took to her X handle and stated that Navya was well-qualified to secure the admission. “She got solid CV btw*. U don’t necessarily need CAT. Link**. Irrespective, hats off to everyone for being courageous enough to sign up for rigorous program,” the professor wrote.
She also explained that the acceptance rate of the programme, for which Navya got herself enrolled, was quite low. “Even if people want to discount her interview & CV. She, dammit, cleared the cut-off,” Agarwal mentioned.
She added, “For a long time, India has been debating why elite families move out of India for higher education. Why don’t they study in Indian colleges? One lady makes it to IIMA for an online MBA & everyone is worked up.”
Soon after sharing the news of her admission in IIMA, Navya dropped another picture with her coach, who helped her crack the entrance exam. “Thank you to @mba_ims for coaching me for the entrance exams. This is Prasad Sir, who played the biggest hand in coaching & preparing me to crack the CAT/IAT entrance exams. One of the BEST teachers I have ever had the honour of learning from. Us celebrating at the @mba_ims office the day I received my acceptance,” she wrote.
In earlier interviews, Navya had stated that she had no interest in venturing into Bollywood, like her grandfather Amitabh Bachchan or uncle Abhishek Bachchan. The starkid is known for her philanthropic work and various initiatives for women health and empowerment through her NGO.