Car brake failure: If the brakes of the car fail, instead of panicking, you should try to stop the car wisely and carefully. Here are some important steps that will help ensure your and others’ safety:

1. Don’t panic and stay calm

2. Use the handbrake

Apply handbrake slowly. Keep in mind that suddenly applying the handbrake can cause the vehicle to slip. Apply it slowly and in a controlled manner.

3. Resort to engine braking

Shift the gear to lower gear. In manual vehicles, move it to second or first gear, and in automatic vehicles, use L (low gear). This will gradually reduce the speed of the car.

4. Move to the side of the road

Move the car slowly to the side of the road. Try to stop the car at a place where there is not much traffic.

5. Find things that increase friction

If possible, take the vehicle to an area with grass, gravel or sand. This will help in reducing the speed of the vehicle.

6. Use the horn and lights

Blow the horn continuously and keep the hazard lights on so that nearby drivers become alert.

7. Use a slope or barrier to stop the car

Try taking the car up a small climb or slope.

8. Adopt the rubbing method

If there is no other way to stop it, rub it lightly against a wall, railing or ledge. But use this method only in emergency situations.

Tips to avoid brake failure

Get your brakes serviced regularly.

Check brake fluid.

If you feel any strange noise or vibration, consult a mechanic immediately.

With caution and the right knowledge, you can keep yourself and others safe in the event of brake failure.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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