Obesity is not a new disease but it is a lifestyle related disease , If your lifestyle is right, it will never happen, and if your lifestyle is dull or bad, it will soon surround you. Increasing obesity among children as well as youth is also a matter of concern for parents, because nowadays young children are also getting overweight. If children are given a balanced and healthy diet from childhood and taught about healthy lifestyle, then their weight will also be controlled and they will be healthy.
Provide a healthy and balanced diet.
Children should be fed plenty of vegetables, fruits and grains. They should also be given sufficient amount of water. Always emphasize that the food should be done together with the family and the screen should not be kept on while eating, so that they are aware of the food. Explain the amount of food, taste, texture and stomach to children about the signals given by the body.
Nowadays many parents feed canned foods to their children, which is wrong. It contains large amounts of preservative mixture that can cause physical problems. When children ask for junk food, parents should learn to say ‘no’. Screen and food stalls have so many attractive advertisements that this can be a challenge for you, but if you learn to deal with it today, you will not have any problem in future.
Pay attention to physical activity.
It is often seen that when the child insists on something, the parents snatch a mobile phone from him or run the TV. These are the things that you have to avoid. Instead, the child should be motivated for physical activity. This can include sports like running, jumping, cycling, swimming etc.
Reducing screen time and increasing physical activity can have a negative effect on the child’s physical health. When the children reach the age of development, ask them to play in the courtyard or home. This will have a good effect on his brain and health.
Develop good habits.
Whatever habits you will put in your children from the beginning, such as limiting screen time, sleeping on time, eating on time and bathing, they will prove to be very beneficial in future. If your child does not respond positively to these things, you can also consult an expert.