Dreams inauspicious signs: There is no person in the world who does not dream during sleep. But do you know the secret behind it? According to dream science, dreams are an important part of people’s lives. In dreams, sometimes we have good and auspicious dreams and sometimes we have very scary dreams. Some dreams are also considered auspicious. While some are considered inauspicious. Dreams indicate the coming times in a person’s life. Some auspicious dreams indicate that the person will have a happy life, while some indicate some bad event in the dreamer’s life.


Dream science is an ancient science that attempts to understand and analyze the meaning of dreams. For centuries, people have considered dreams to be signs of the future, a reflection of psychological states, and a medium for spiritual experiences. Dreams play an important role in our personal development. Dreams help us understand our feelings, fears and desires. By analyzing dreams we can solve our problems and bring positive changes in our lives.

10 ominous dreams and their signs

1. When a person sees a bullock cart in his dreams at night, it is a sign of slowdown in the activities going on in his life. This indicates future failures.

2. When a person sees dark clouds in a dream, it is considered a sad sign. According to dream science, seeing dark clouds means that many problems are going to come in your life soon.

3. According to dream science, seeing a black crow in a dream is not considered auspicious. This points towards a major tragedy. Seeing this dream indicates the death of a person.

4. When a person or thing wearing black clothes is seen in the dream, it is considered to be a sign of some serious illness.

5. When bleeding is seen in a dream, it is considered a sign of a chronic disease.

6. When you see a violent animal chasing you in your dream, it is considered an inauspicious sign. Seeing this dream is considered a sign of huge financial loss for the person.

7. When a person sees a storm coming or a house collapsing in his dream, then understand that the shadow of bad luck is following that person.

8. Seeing a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse in a dream is considered inauspicious. Due to which the person remains surrounded by problems.


9. When a person sees birds flying in a dream, then according to the dream science, the person has to face financial loss. And gradually the poverty of the person starts increasing.

10. When someone hears a loud noise in a dream, it is considered a sign of family discord in his house.

Dreams are an expression of our subconscious mind. The experiences, emotions and worries of the day are reflected in our dreams. Some dreams help us find solutions to life’s problems. Some people believe that dreams indicate the future.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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