complain about
This is the best option to get rid of the problem of back pain. You should apply ice.

Do not sit at one place for a long time, this can cause pain in your back as well as neck. To avoid this, always be active.

coconut oil
Lighten it by adding a little camphor to it. Massage the painful area with the prepared mixture, its anti-oxidant properties provide relief from pain.

clove oil
To reduce pain, massage your back with clove oil, this will relax the muscles and provide relief from pain.

do stretching
To get rid of back pain, do stretching exercises daily, this will improve your blood circulation and provide relief from pain.

– After it cools down for a while, mix 4-5 cloves of garlic in mustard oil and massage.


Sitting for a long time sometimes causes back pain, in such a situation you can adopt these home remedies. If you want, you can consult an expert once.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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