Most people like to drink cold water in summer. For this, in most houses, water bottles are started in the fridge to cool the water at the beginning of summer. But do you know that the cold water of the fridge is not good for health? In such a situation, you can drink pot water instead. The water kept in it remains naturally cool. Which is good for health.
Nowadays, clay pitches or bottles are found in the market, most people use them and prefer to drink water kept in them. But before using these pitches and bottles made of clay, you should take care of many things, otherwise it can also affect your health.
Clean utensils
Clean it thoroughly before using the pot. Bacteria and dirt may accumulate in a pot made of clay, which can spoil the water. The pot should be washed thoroughly to ensure that there is no smell or dirt inside it. If you are buying a new pot, wash it thoroughly. A mixture of hot water and baking soda can be used for this, so that the cleaning inside the pot is well done.
choose location
If you keep a matka, keep it in a place where it can be saved from the sun. Matka kept in strong sunlight heats up quickly, which can spoil the taste of water and water will also be less cold, besides the matka can break quickly. It is better to keep it in a cold and airy place.
Pottery maintenance
Maintenance of the pot is very important. Clean the pot from time to time and see if there is any kind of crack or breakdown in it. If the utensils break or crack it, do not use it because it can spread water or there may be a bacterial infection in the water.
Keep changing water
Putting water in the pot for a long time can produce bacteria in the water, so the pot of pot should be changed from time to time. If you use pots, then fill new water every day or every other day.
The post if you also drink pot water in summer, then first know these important things first appeared on News India Live | Breaking India News, The Indian Headline, India Express News, Fast India News.