Thakur Raghuraj Singh dispute: Minister of State in the Government of Uttar Pradesh, Raghuraj Singh has given a controversial statement in Aligarh. He has said that men who are having any problem due to smoke colors should wear hijab. He even said that just as Muslim women wear hijab, men should also wear hijab. Wear hijab to protect your head and body. Now there has been an uproar over the minister’s statement, it is being criticized.
Minister Raghuraj Singh gave controversial statement
There is a tense situation in Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh at this time. Dhuleti and Jumma prayer is the same day. In such a situation, CM Yogi Adityanath said during a program that Hindus should be allowed to play Dhuleti by 2 pm and then offer Namaz. CO Anuj Chaudhary also said that if there is a problem of coloring, then offer prayers at home. Now after those statements, Minister Raghuraj Singh has gone a step ahead and made a controversial statement.
Minister Raghuraj Singh further said, “Those who create uproar in Dhuleti have three options- leave the state or register their names with Yamraj.” Raghuraj Singh also said, “The temple will be built in Aligarh Muslim University, those people should respect the majority.”
Talking to the media, Minister Raghuraj Singh said that Jumma comes 52 times a year and Dhuleti comes only one day. Therefore, pray late one day. If you want to offer namaz while playing Dhuleti, I suggest that you cover the tarpaulin like Begum, so that you are safe from the sun.
Statement of statement about building temple in AMU
Raghuraj Singh did not stop here. He supported the demand for building a temple at Aligarh Muslim University. Raghuraj Singh also said, “The temple will be built in AMU and these people should respect the majority.” My demand is that Ram temple should be built in AMU. If this happens, I will keep the first brick. There, any person can abandon everything for the temple. ‘
Anuj Chaudhary’s statement created a stir.
This time the second jumma and dhuleti of Ramadan is the same day. Sambhal CO Anuj Chaudhary gave a statement about this, ‘Once a year, a dull weather comes and Jumma comes 52 times. In such a situation, people who have color problems should stay at home. Sambhal CO’s statement has flooded with reactions. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also reiterated the statement of Sambhal CO and said that the officers are wrestlers, they will speak like a wrestler.
Supporting the statement of Sambhal CO Anuj Chaudhary, Gulabo Devi, Minister of Yogi government, said on Saturday, ‘The festival of every religion should be celebrated peacefully and there should be no communalism in it. The BJP government always wants whether 12 festivals or a festival, all people celebrate it peacefully. ‘ There should be a sense of harmony and unity in the society.