Rupali Ganguly was recently at the centre of rumours claiming she would be quitting her hit television show Anupamaa after four years as the makers reportedly wanted to shift focus to a love triangle involving new lead characters like Shivam Khajuria and Adrija Roy. Now, Rupali reacted to the ongoing reports and expressed her surprise, calling it a result of people’s “overactive imagination.”
Speaking to ETimes, Rupali shared that both she and her husband hold immense gratitude towards producer Rajan Shahi for giving her the recognition, platform, and position she will never be able to repay in her lifetime.
“Anupamaa is not just a show for me; it’s an emotion, it’s my home, my second home, all my fur babies are here, and the unit has become like a family. So, does anyone leave their family, their home? And God forbid, may it never happen in life. If Rajan Ji ever says that he doesn’t need me anymore, then I might fight with him, or argue, and say, ‘Please let me stay in Anupamaa,'” she added.
Further, Rupali said that she will remain a part of Anupamaa until the end and, despite any obstacles, she has no intention of exiting. She expressed her disbelief at the speculation and called it ridiculous that people are writing such things.
Deepa Shahi and Rajan Shahi also addressed the situation, stating that the rumours have no truth. “We truly understand how much this show means to our audience, and we want to keep you in the loop. If there’s ever anything major to share, we’ll make sure to let you know directly,” they added.