Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in nails: All parts of the body are interconnected. If there is a problem in any one organ, its effect is visible on other parts of the body also. Its effect is first visible on the nails. Vitamin B12 deficiency commonly causes changes in nails. Due to lack of vitamins, nails become weak and sometimes even turn yellow. So let us know what changes are seen in the nails due to deficiency of vitamins in the body.

weak and brittle nails
If there is deficiency of Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 or folic acid in the body then the nails become weak. Such nails break easily and their size may be smaller than normal. Cracks may also appear in the nails.

white spots on nails
White spots on nails are often caused by calcium, zinc or vitamin D deficiency. This sign indicates the deficiency of these nutrients in your body. However, in some cases it may also be a sign of fungal infection and allergies. But, in most cases it may be due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, Zinc and Calcium.

changing nail color
Changes in nail color, such as yellowing or turning blue, may be a sign of a vitamin B12 or iron deficiency. In most cases, when a person suffers from vitamin deficiency, it directly affects the color of his nails. In such a situation the nails look dull and lifeless.

on nails
Scarred longitudinal nails may be a sign of vitamin A, C or zinc deficiency. This condition reflects a lack of nutrients in the body and can weaken the nails.

whitening of nails
When the edges of the nails start turning upwards and the shape of the nails starts changing, it indicates a serious deficiency of Vitamin D, B12 and Iron. In this condition the shape of the nail starts looking like a bulge.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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