Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda said in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday that a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has made it clear that the corona vaccine has not increased the risk of sudden death among youth and adults in India. He said, ‘In fact, this ICMR study shows that the corona vaccine reduces the chances of such deaths.’ In its report, ICMR tried to dispel fears that the untimely deaths of youth and adults in India in the last few years were related to corona vaccination.


Samples of 19 states have been taken for research.

ICMR’s National Institute of Epidemiology conducted the study on individuals aged 18-45 years who were healthy and had no comorbidities and died suddenly due to unexpected causes between October 1, 2021, and March 31, 2023. The research was conducted in 47 hospitals across 19 states and union territories. During the research, samples were taken of 729 such cases who died suddenly and 2916 samples of those who survived after heart attack. Research findings show that taking at least one or two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine significantly reduces the chances of sudden death without any cause.

What was the cause of sudden death?

Research has also identified several factors that increase the risk of sudden death, including hospitalization for the deceased with COVID-19, sudden death in the family, heavy drinking in the 48 hours before death, drug use, Use and excessive physical activity (including exercise). Jim) in the last 48 hours. Union Health Minister JP Nadda said the ICMR study has made it clear that there is no link between Covid-19 vaccination and sudden death in young adults. Instead, factors such as history of COVID-19 hospitalization, history of sudden death in the family, and certain lifestyle behaviors increase the likelihood of such death.

Nadda said guidelines have been issued to states to increase reporting of cases related to vaccine side effects.


The Union Health Minister said that a robust surveillance system called ‘Adverse Events Following Immunization’ (AEFI) has been created to keep track of the side effects of vaccination. He said that anaphylaxis kits are made available at vaccination centers and after vaccination the person is mandatorily kept under observation for 30 minutes. To increase awareness about AEFI, Nadda said guidelines have been issued to states to increase reporting of cases related to vaccine side effects. The government is also using social media to spread awareness.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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