Mumbai: After the controversy over showing the code names of terrorists Bhola and Shankar in the web series ‘IC 814’ based on the Kandahar hijack incident, OTT platform Netflix has assured the government that it will put a disclaimer with the real names of the terrorists at the beginning of the series.
Apart from this, it has also been assured that the sentiments of Indians will be taken care of in the future.
After the letter was sent by the central government, today Netflix’s India Content Head Monica Shergill met Information and Broadcasting Secretary Sanjay Jaju. After this, this was announced by Netflix.
The government told Netflix that they could show the real names of the terrorists with captions.
The government said that it supports content and content creators but cannot hurt the sentiments of the countrymen in the name of creative freedom.
Shergill said that the code names that the terrorists had for each other during the actual hijacking and the code names they used to address each other in the presence of tourists have been kept unchanged in this series. However, now an initial disclaimer will also be attached in this regard to give more clarity to the audience.
There was an uproar over giving Hindu names to the terrorists in the series. It was also alleged that the producer of the series, Anubhav Sinha, took such a step deliberately. However, many people later clarified that the terrorists were indeed given the code names Bhola and Shankar during the hijacking incident and the passengers of the plane also admitted that the terrorists were using these code names.
Of course, social media users are arguing that if the names of the Foreign Minister and the then Central officials were changed in the series, then they could have also changed the code names of these terrorists.