The web series IC 814 The Kandahar Hijack starring Vijay Verma, Patralekha, Pankaj Kapoor and Naseeruddin Shah will be modified. The controversy has been going on since the release of the series on August 29. Now Netflix has told the central government that it is ready to remove its objectionable parts.
After a huge uproar over the web series ‘IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack’, OTT platform Netflix has agreed to change the objectionable content of the show. There is controversy over the names of terrorists Bhola and Shankar in this series. After strong opposition to the series, the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Monday issued a summons to the content head of Netflix India and asked him to appear. Today Netflix head Monica Shergill appeared before the officials of the ministry.
This controversy was discussed in a meeting between senior officials of the ministry and Monica, the head of Netflix India. During this, Netflix told the central government that they are ready to change the objectionable part of the web series ‘IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack’. It was also assured that any film or web series released on Netflix in the future will be made keeping in mind the sentiments of the people of the country.
What did the central government say?
In this case, the central government has said that sentiments cannot be hurt in the name of creativity. The government says that along with supporting, we are also promoting content and content creators. But facts should not be tampered with. It has been said that proper research should be done and fact check should also be done before releasing any film or series.
What is the controversy?
The terrorists involved in the Kandahar hijack were from Pakistan. Their names were Ibrahim Athar, Shahid Akhtar Syed, Sunny Ahmed Qazi, Mistry Zahoor Ibrahim and Shakir. In the Netflix series, the names of these terrorists are shown as Chief, Doctor, Burger, Bhola and Shankar. People opposing the web series say that giving Hindu names to Pakist. terrorists sends a wrong message and people will not know the reality. They will think that the plane was hijacked by Indians.
what the fact?
The casting director of the web series, Mukesh Chhabra, said in an interview that this web series has been made after thorough research. The terrorists in the plane used to call each other by this name. At the end of the web series, the real names of the terrorists are also revealed. According to media reports, the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India has also confirmed this in its statement. In 2000, the Government of India had said in a statement that the terrorists in the plane called each other Chief, Doctor, Burger, Bhola and Shankar.