flight of dreams and hard work The story often becomes an inspiration. One such story is from Marathwada region of Maharashtra. Ansar Shaikh Ki, who despite adverse circumstances and financial constraints, turned his dream into reality. His father was an auto rickshaw driver and mother a farm labourer. Despite this, Ansar passed the UPSC exam in his first attempt and Country’s youngest IAS officer Achieved the honor of becoming.

childhood full of difficulties

Ansar Sheikh was born in Jalna district of Maharashtra. Shell Village Happened in. His childhood was spent in very difficult circumstances.

  • Father’s struggle: Ansar’s father Younus Sheikh Ahmed fed the family by driving an auto rickshaw.
  • Mother’s contribution: His mother used to work as a laborer in the fields, so that the needs of the family could be met.
  • Dropping out of school: The financial condition of the family was so bad that his father had decided to remove Ansar’s name from school.

But Ansar’s mother gave priority to her son’s education. He paid for his education by working hard in the fields. This sacrifice of the mother and the hard work of Ansar wrote a new story.

excellence in education

Ansar was very promising in studies from the beginning.

  • They Fergusson College, Pune Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from.
  • He studied hard and diligently, and only 21 years old Passed the UPSC exam.
  • In 2016, in his very first attempt, he All India Rank 361 Achieved.

Journey to become an IAS

Motivation and Dedication:

  • Ansar dreamed of becoming an IAS and worked hard to make it come true.
  • Hours of study every day and precise strategy made him successful in the toughest examination of the country.

Challenges faced:

  • Despite the poor financial condition of the house, he never gave up.
  • Despite social and family pressure, he kept his goal supreme.

Success in first attempt:

It is rare to crack a tough exam like UPSC in the first attempt, but Ansar did it.

Priority of family and education

Ansar’s family was not aware about education. To his family:

  • Education was not a priority; Earning a living for the family was most important.
  • Since childhood, he saw his father and mother struggling to provide for the family.
  • Despite all this, Ansar gave importance to education and turned his dream into reality.

Source of inspiration: Why is Ansar’s story special?

  1. Success in adverse circumstances:

    Despite poverty and hardships, Ansar proved that nothing is impossible with hard work and determination.

  2. Sacrifice of family:

    His mother’s support and sacrifice became his biggest inspiration.

  3. Importance of education:

    His story is proof that every obstacle can be overcome through education.

  4. Inspiration for youngsters:

    Ansar Shaikh’s success is an inspiration for millions of youth who are facing difficulties.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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