Former Team India cricketer Vinod Kambli recently attended the memorial program of coach Ramakant Achrekar. During this time, he met his childhood friend Sachin Tendulkar, whose video is going viral on social media. His serious condition can be clearly seen in this video. He looked physically very weak and had difficulty speaking during the programme. Seeing his condition, fans and former players of Team India have expressed concern. Meanwhile, veteran Indian player Kapil Dev has come forward to help Kambli and has asked to bear the expenses of his treatment. But there is a condition for this.

Attended coach Achrekar’s memorial program

Vinod Kambli is addicted to alcohol. Due to which many of his fellow cricketers have distanced themselves from him. Even in the memorial program of Coach Achrekar, Sachin was very hesitant in meeting him. Kambli held his hand and did not let go. However, despite all this, many of his teammates, including captain Kapil Dev, who made India the world champion for the first time, have offered help.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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