Speech by Anant Ambani, Director of Reliance Industries Limited in Jamnagar: Addressing employees and family members at a function to mark 25 years of the establishment of Reliance’s oil refinery in Jamnagar, Reliance Industries Director Anant Ambani talked about his love for animals and Vantara.
Remembering his grandfather Dhirubhai Ambani, Anant Ambani said that my grandfather’s dream was to build a refinery that would be the best in the world. 25 years ago, during my grandfather’s time, my father Mukesh Ambani had fulfilled that dream. Today I am grateful to have inherited two great men.
Anant Ambani took the pledge in the presence of Reliance employees and family in Jamnagar and said that on this holy day, I promise my father that I will fulfill whatever dreams he has seen for Jamnagar.
Referring to his mother Nita Ambani, Anant Ambani said that just as my mother taught me to love animals and birds, I appeal to all of you to follow me and take inspiration from Vantara to love animals and birds. Love from. He said that Vantara has proved that Reliance cares as much about animals and birds as it does about humans. He said that I am confident that 25 years from now, when India completes its century of independence, we all will take the dignity and pride of Jamnagar to the pinnacle of success.