Actor Sharad Kapoor accused of misconduct: A girl has made serious allegations against Bollywood actor Sharad Kapoor, famous for films like ‘Josh’, ‘Tamanna’, ‘Dastak’, ‘Trishakti’ and ‘Uski Topi Uske Sar’. The girl has accused the Bollywood actor of trying to rape her. The girl alleges that the actor first called her home on the pretext of office work and then tried to rape her. In this matter, the girl has lodged a complaint against the actor, the police have registered a case under several sections and are investigating the matter further.

The girl came in contact with Sharad through Facebook

The victim has said in her allegation that she came in contact with Sharad Kapoor through Facebook. She spoke to the actor over video call to confirm that she was talking to Sharad Kapoor. Sharad told the girl that he wanted to talk and meet her in connection with a shooting. After this Sharad sent his location to the girl on phone and asked her to come to his office in Khar. But, when the girl reaches there, she comes to know that it is not Sharad’s office but his house.

Called the girl home by lying

The girl said, “I reached his house on the third floor of a building in Khar. Sharad was there and he went from the kitchen to the bedroom. After some time Sharad called and asked me to come to the bedroom. When I reached the bedroom door, I asked Sharad to keep the clothes, I saw that Sharad was sitting without clothes, then Sharad took me in his arms and then pushed Sharad away from there and ran away.”


FIR was registered under these sections

The victim actor and producer has lodged an FIR with the police against Sharad Kapoor. Section 74 (use of force to outrage the modesty of a woman), Section 79 (words, gestures or actions intended to outrage the modesty of a woman) and Section 75 (insect against a woman) Physical and sexual abuse (emotional abuse). An FIR has been registered against Sharad Kapoor under the above mentioned Indian Penal Code.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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