Bollywood actor Kartik Aryan was seen in the film ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ released in November last month. Through this film, he has given a tremendous dose of entertainment to the people. Kartik Aryan entertains people not only in reel life but also in real life.
Currently, a video of his is going viral on social media, in which Karthik Aryan is seen talking about his marriage. After watching this video, all his fans are very excited. Let us tell you what has been said about Karthik’s marriage.
Karthik Aryan’s video goes viral
Many Bollywood stars attend the wedding ceremony and their videos go viral on social media. Now celebrity photographer Varinder Chawla has shared many videos of Kartik Aryan from his Instagram account. Kartik Aryan came to Delhi to attend the wedding and performed with the bride and groom.
Along with this, a wedding video has attracted the attention of the fans. In this video, Karthik Aryan is seen saying, ‘I am thinking in my mind, after getting married, there is an atmosphere like a wedding here, it feels like I should get married myself.’ Hearing this, the fans start laughing and Kartik Aryan says, ‘I am joking.’ Fans are reacting fiercely to this video of Karthik Aryan.
Karthik Aryan’s name linked with many actresses
Talking about Kartik Aryan’s personal life, his name has been linked with many actresses but he never confirmed any relationship. Talking about Kartik Aryan’s work front, he was seen in the film ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ released on Diwali. The film earned huge money at the box office. There are many films of Kartik Aryan in the pipeline, for which fans are eagerly waiting.