Hyderabad Biryani Video: The incidents of finding strange things in food are increasing in recent times. One such controversial case came to light in a famous restaurant located on RTC ‘X’ Road, Hyderabad. A group of friends went to eat chicken biryani and they claim to have found an extinguished cigarette butt in the biryani. The incident came to light when a man saw cigarette butts in his plate while eating. Angry customers had a heated argument with the restaurant staff and demanded the manager be called. The scene of the incident is shown in the video, in which customers are seen expressing their anger.

This video is going viral on social media, but Money Control does not confirm it. This incident has raised serious questions regarding hygiene and food safety.

viral video


In the video, a group of about 10 people is seen with half-eaten food placed in front of them. A man picks up a plate full of rice and shows the cigarette found in it. Seeing this, everyone gets angry and starts getting angry at the restaurant staff and demands to call the management.

The situation gets worse in the second part of the video. Restaurant staff surround the group, while customers continue to complain. This debate escalates so much that even the other customers present there keep watching in surprise. During this time, an official of the restaurant management tries to calm the matter.

management statement

After the video of this incident went viral, the restaurant started being criticized for its negligence. On social media, people expressed concern about hygiene and food safety. According to reports, the restaurant management expressed regret over the matter and apologized. However, the atmosphere in the hotel remained quite tense during this period. While talking to the restaurant staff, the customers were expressing their displeasure and calling it serious negligence. Many people reacted to this incident on social media. Some people considered it a light joke while others expressed deep resentment against the restaurant.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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