Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh), January 27: In a horrific incident, a man inflicted an inhumane punishment on his wife following a minor dispute in Uttar Pradesh’s Mirzapur. There are reports that the accused husband burnt his wife’s private parts using a hot tong due to which the woman suffered severe injuries. The woman was rushed to the hospital by her father where she is receiving treatment for her injuries. There are reports that the accused husband has been arrested by the police for his horrific act.

Details About The Incident

There are reports that the incident occurred in Tilthi Village which falls under the Chulh Police Station area on Friday (January 24). There are reports that a minor argument occurred between the couple. As the matter escalated further, the husband took a hot tong and burnt his wife’s private parts in a fit of rage.

The police reached the spot upon receiving information about the incident and registered a case against the accused husband. There are reports that the victim’s sister-in-law registered a complaint with police on Saturday (January 25) in connection with the matter.

Police Action

The police reported the matter and initiated an investigation into the matter. The police arrested the accused husband who has been identified as Ajay on Sunday (January 26). The accused is in the police custody and has been sent to jail for his brutal act.

Brutality Limit Crossed

The father of the victim who has been identified as Phoolchand has revealed the brutal reality of the incident in his statement. He said that the accused burnt his daughter’s private parts both externally and also internally using the hot tong.

He further said that the neighbour advised him to take his daughter to the hospital after which he rushed to the district hospital where she was admitted for her severe injuries. Her condition stabilised on receiving timely medical treatment.

The woman’s sister-in-law then approached the police station and registered an FIR against the accused husband. The police said that they swiftly acted upon the complaint registered by the woman and arrested the accused. The police have also assured that strict action will be taken against the accused on the basis of the investigation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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