Hrithik Roshan’s cousin sister, Pashmina Roshan, made her Bollywood debut with Ishq Vishk Rebound, which was released in theatres in June 2024. However, the film did not do well at the box office, as it failed to touch a chord with the audience.
On Sunday, August 4, Hrithik penned a heartfelt note for Pashmina, despite the film’s failure. He expressed how ‘immersed’ he was watching her on screen. The Krrish actor wrote, “Knowing the real YOU and watching you on the big screen totally immersed in character has been a revelation and nothing less than a joyous experience for me pash.”
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He added, “Believe me, your potential is sky high and you will m.fest it all very soon just like you m.fested your first ISHQ VISHQ. There is something extremely special about your presence. Once you realize it, you will know how to use it, protect it, nurture it. Keep going Pash! Be unstoppable ! I’m so proud of you. Love you. Duggu bhaiya.”
Pashmina, who is the daughter of composer Rajesh Roshan, shares a close bond with her cousin, Hrithik.
Ishq Vishk Rebound also starred Rohit Saraf, Jibraan Khan and Naila Grewal.
Earlier, Rohit talked about the film’s box office performance and told News 18 that he had such high expectations of himself. He said that he wanted to be a mainstream hero and wanted to do a mainstream film.
“I wanted to be on the big screen and I wanted to see myself myself dance and all of that and so I had like massive expectation for myself. And to meet up with an expectation, I could only do one thing — that was to work tremendously hard for it, which I did. I ensured that every single day, when I entered and before I left I ensured that my director and producers were happy with what I did,” he added.