Himachal Pradesh minister Jagat Singh Negi, on Tuesday, took a dig at actress and BJP MP from Mandi, Kangana Ranaut, for her delayed visit to the flood-hit regions in the state, and said that it was so that she could “protect her makeup” from the heavy rain.

During the assembly session on Tuesday, Negi stated that when people were dying due to the flood in her own constituency, Kangana excused herself from visiting the areas under the pretense of red alert in those regions. He cited Kangana’s statement that the people of her party asked her to avoid visiting the flood-hit areas amidst the heavy rain to be safe from any untoward incident.

“She visited the areas later, when we had already started the rescue work, and the locals were already devastated due to the floods. Now that must be because she wanted to save her makeup and did not want to ruin her look. Had she visited the areas amid heavy rain, her makeup would have washed away, and people would not have known if it was Kangana or her mother visiting them,” Negi said.

His statement did not go down with a section of the internet who termed it ‘sexist’ and objectionable. “The remarks on Kangana Ranaut are nothing but a reflection of the absurd mentality that Congress abides by. Misogyny at its peak!” a user wrote, while another said, “Why do these politicians need to stoop to such a low level?”

This is not the first time that Kangana has been subjected to misogynist comments by politicians. A few days ago, the chief of the Shirom. Akali Dal (Amritsar), Simranjit Singh Mann, had said that the actress had “lot of experience of rape”, after she had said that women were sexually assaulted during the farmers’ protest.

On the work front, Kangana is now embroiled in a battle with the Censor Board after they refused to certify her upcoming film, Emergency, based on the life of late Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. The film, which was earlier scheduled to release on September 6, has now been postponed indefinitely.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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