Everyone likes fried things like hot puri, kachori and pakoras, especially in winter, their craving with tea increases even more. But fried food is not considered right for health, especially if wrong oil is used. However, there is no need to remove fried food completely from the diet. If it is eaten in the right oil and in limit, it is not as harmful.

So let’s know that according to experts to make fried things The most healthy cooking oil What can happen.

1. Olive oil

Is it healthy?

Olive oil contains antioxidants and polyphenols, which make it healthy.
Its smoke point is high, which makes it suitable for deep frying.
This is a great option for those who like light fragrance and taste.

Take care:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is not correct for deep frying. Use it only in salad dressing or light cooking.

2. Desi Ghee

Is it healthy?

Ghee Smoke point high It happens, which makes it a safe and healthy option to fry.
In this Anti-inflammatory properties There are, which make digestion easier.
Both Ayurveda and modern science consider it healthy.

Take care:

Eating high amounts can increase weight, so eat it in limited quantity.

3. Refined coconut oil

Is it healthy?

In this Saturated fats There is a high amount of which keeps it stable during heat.
Its Smoke Point 400 ° F Is around, which makes it good for deep frying.
It can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

Take care:

If you do not like the taste of coconut oil, choose its refined version.

4. avocado oil

Is it healthy?

In this Good fats It is rich, which is good for heart health.
Its Smoke Point 520 ° F Is close to which makes it the best for frying.
In the body Helps increase the amount of antioxidants,

Take care:

It is quite expensive, so it can be difficult to use it every day.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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