As soon as the exam time comes, parents start worrying about their children’s education. It is often seen that children are sitting in books for hours, yet they forget the reading quickly. This situation is stressful not only for parents but also for children.

If your child also has difficulty in remembering, there is no need to worry. Research shows that right Learning strategyChildren’s memory can be strengthened by adopting favorable environment and some easy measures. Good memory not only helps in bringing good marks in the exam, but also helps in the entire mental development of children. Let’s know some effective tips, which can improve children’s ability to learn and remember.

1. Remove the habit of rote and insist on understanding the concept

Often children try to rote a topic, but this makes them forget it quickly. To avoid this problem, children should make a habit of understanding and analyzing subjects.

What to do?
Children Visual learning, storytelling and experiment Try to teach through.
Explain the concept by connecting it with everyday life, so that they can understand it quickly and remember it for a long time.
Mind Mapping (Mind mapping) and Diagrams Use, so that studies become easy and fun.

2. Make studies interesting and interactive

If the child is not interested in any subject, then his mind starts wandering from studies. When studies start to look boring, then there is difficulty in remembering.

What to do?
To study Game, Quiz and Interactive Learning Make interesting through
Children Roll Play, Model Making and Practical Experiences Let it do.
Digital learning tools (Such as animated videos and educational apps), so that children can study more carefully.

3. Get correct nutrition and adequate sleep

Children’s memory and focus are directly associated with their food and sleep. If there will be nutrient deficiency in their diet or they do not get enough sleep, then their brain will not be fully active and they can forget things quickly.

What to do?
Children’s diet Almonds Include
Them Protect from caffeinated and junk foodBecause they can slow down mental functionality.
At least daily 8 hours good sleep Inspire to take, so that their brain can work properly.

4. Create the right environment for studies and increase concentration

If the attention of children repeatedly wanders during studies, then they are unable to remember things properly. Studying in mobile, TV, and noisy environment can make it difficult to focus.

What to do?
Children to study Cool and systematic atmosphere Give
During studies Keep away from mobile and other digital destinations,
Small brakes in the middle of studies Give, so that they feel refreshed and maintain focus for a long time.

5. Use bright colors and highlighting technics

Colors have a profound effect on the brain and can help in increasing memory.

What to do?
While teaching children Use bright colorsSo that they can remember important information quickly.
Highlighters, Sticky Notes and Flashcards Use, so that they can repeat important points easily.

6. Revision and practice repeatedly

Once reading, things are not remembered, but it is necessary to repeat them again and again.

What to do?
Children Habit of revision daily Add
after studying Quiz, test and practice practice Get it done so that they can remember the subjects better.
Teaching method Adopt – When the child explains by teaching someone else, he himself remembers him for a long time.

7. Follow Physical Activity and Meditation

Physical activities and meditation are not only good for health, but they also increase mental concentration and memory.

What to do?
Children Yoga, Meditation and Breeding Exercise Inspire to do.
Them daily Outdoor Games and Exercise Let it do, so that their brain will be more active.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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