ISS for a long time But after staying, will Sunita Williams come back to Earth and forget the atmosphere of space or if she is ISS without gravity. But as you behave, they will adopt the same behavior there.


After returning to Earth, many challenges will have to be faced.

Recently, a video related to similar habits of astronauts is going viral. After returning to Earth, astronauts face many challenges. Because after staying in space for a long time, their body becomes adapted to microscopic gourd. When they return to the gravity of the Earth, their body and brain takes time to re -adjust.

Astronauts cannot leave the habit of microscopy

During this time they can make some ‘mistakes’ or unusual behavior, which is actually their body reaction. Some videos have been shared on social media platforms. This shows that even after returning to Earth, astronauts cannot give up the habit of micro -gurus. A astronaut in the video suddenly falls while giving a speech, as inadvertently weighs the weight from his leg. Just as he did in space. Similarly, the cup fell while talking to the hand of another astronaut. As if she is still in weightlessness, where things are floating in the air.




This kind of change can also occur with Sunita Williams.

  • Dropping things: Everything in space floats in the air, so astronauts living there get used to dropping things with their hands. After returning to Earth, they inadvertently leave the cup, pen or other items behind, forget that gravity will pull them down here.
  • Loss of balance: The vestibular system has been affected for a long time due to the effect of micro -gagurutva. When they return to Earth, they have trouble walking and they can falter or fall.
  • Incorrect calculation of load: Every object in space seems loaded, which changes the way of lifting items by astronauts. They use too much or very low strength when they come back.
  • Strange food habits: Food floats in space, so one has to eat with a special technique. After returning, astronauts leave water or food in the air several times, forget that it will fall down.
  • Fatigue and forgetting disease: It takes time for the body to become normal after returning to Earth, which is why astronauts often feel tired or confused. Due to this, they can forget small things or keep them in the wrong place.

Such mistakes are part of the process of returning to the normal environment.

These ‘errors’ are not really their actual errors, but part of the process of returning to the Earth’s normal environment from the unusual environment of space. Scientists and doctors run special training and rehabilitation programs to help them during this infection so that they can return to normal life soon.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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