Summer or winter, most people use bottles to drink water. Nowadays there are many variety of bottles available in the market, but still most people prioritize plastic bottle. Plastic bottles are more lighter and convenient than glass and steel bottles, which is why it is usually used in most homes. Plastic bottles can run without spoiling for a long time. But do you know that if you use a plastic bottle for a long time, it can be harmful to your health? Therefore, whether the bottle is bad or not, it is necessary to change it from time to time. Let’s know when your plastic water bottle should be changed.

How long should you change plastic water bottle?

You should change your plastic water bottle when it starts to see symptoms of breakage. Sometimes plastic bottles are fine for a long time, but if it starts cracks, scratches or smell, it should be replaced. If something like this is not visible in the bottle, then you should change it in 6 months. If the plastic quality of the bottle is good, it can also be used for 12 months.

Why should a water bottle be changed?

The plastic bottle should be replaced once a year as bacteria can grow in its corners and cracks. Stainless steel bottles are slightly more durable, but they should also be replaced every two years. If you are using a glass bottle, you can change it every 2-3 years. By doing this you can avoid harmful bacteria. Apart from this, it is also necessary to take care of the cleaning of the bottle, so the bottle should be cleaned with warm water and soap daily.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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