It depends on many factors, such as age, mental condition, physical health, stress, lifestyle and previous experience.

average time:

According to research, most men ejaculate within 5 to 7 minutes of entry during intercourse.

Some men ejaculate only in 1-2 minutes (which is called premature ejaculation-PE), while some can have sexual intercourse for 10–15 minutes.

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Ways to extend the period of ejaculation:

Meditation and breathing control: Helps to increase the duration of intercourse by reducing mental stress.

Stop-Start Technology: When you are about to ejaculate, stop for a moment and then start.

Kegel exercise: Strengthening pelvic muscles can help gain more control.

Balanced diet and fitness: If the body remains healthy, stamina will also increase.

Average ejaculation time:

Ejaculation within 5-7 minutes after starting sex (after admission) is considered normal.

If the ejaculation occurs within 1-2 minutes, it is called premature ejaculation (PE).

Some men may continue to have sexual intercourse for 10–15 minutes.

What should be the right time?

The period of sexual intercourse does not only depend on the duration but also depends on satisfaction and joy.

Women take an average of 13–15 minutes to reach the climax, so men should try to maintain control during sexual intercourse.

Ways to increase the period of sexual intercourse:

Stop-Start Technology: When you are about to ejaculate, stop for a moment and then start.

Take a deep breath: Keeping the mind calm helps to delay ejaculation.

Exercise Kegel: Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor can help control ejaculation.

Choose the correct position: Some definite conditions (such as a spoon -like condition) can help control ejaculation.

Use lubricants: This may reduce sensitivity and increase the period of intercourse.

When should a doctor consult?

If the ejaculation always occurs within 1-2 minutes and the partner remains dissatisfied.

If the duration of intercourse is decreasing due to mental stress, fatigue or some drugs.

If premature ejaculation is due to hormonal or neurological problems.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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