Disadvantages of lack of sleep: Adequate sleep is very important for a healthy body. Because lack of sleep increases the risk of many diseases in the body. Several studies have linked lack of sleep to chronic diseases. Due to today’s busy schedule people are not getting enough sleep. Due to which they are facing a lot of problems. To stay healthy, an adult should take 7-8 hours of sleep daily. This question must have come in your mind once that for how many days a person can live without sleeping. Let’s know the answer to this question.
Just as air, water and food are needed to stay healthy, similarly sleep is also needed. A study on sleep in the year 1997 said that in a competition org.zed by the ‘Guinness Book of World Records’, the record for not sleeping for 18 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes was set. However, many negative effects on the body have been observed due to this record. This record proved that sleep is also very important to stay healthy. Because lack of sleep can harm the body.
You will be surprised to know that lack of sleep is associated with many dangerous diseases. Due to this, you may face problems like diabetes, stroke, heart disease, adverse effects on brain tissue, cancer and decreased activity. Pay as much attention to sleep as to food and water. Due to lack of sleep, the body feels tired. Productivity at work is affected. The mood remains bad. I don’t feel like doing any work. Even your favorite work seems like a burden to you.