The news of respiratory infections like seasonal flu, human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) spread like wildfire. Some hMPV cases have been reported in India. While the government is monitoring the situation and is well-prepared, we need to be cautious and take protective measures. These measures should include Ayurvedic methods. Patanjali Ayurved has solutions created from their intense R&D process.
The viruses and their impact
The seasonal flu is present due to weather changes, winter chill still in the air, high levels of pollution, late monsoon impact and other microbes in the air. It means more rush of patients afflicted with this flu. Thankfully, simple Ayurvedic remedies and formal treatment can aid in combating this. Use Patanjali Ayurved’s Divya Swasari Pravahi (250 Ml) to build lung strength and fight respiratory troubles. Reduce any respiratory inflammations, remove the cough, clear infections, lessen nose choke-up and fight any respiratory infections.

Another latest entrant is RSV. It impacts your respiratory system and is affected via the nose or eyes. It has the impact of a mild cold virus and can result in serious issues like pneumonia and bronchitis. You suffer from nasal discharge, cough and cold, fever, dehydration, hunger loss and breathlessness. Your Ayurveda partner is Divya Bronchom 60 N (35 Gm), a good option to deal with respiratory issues while boosting immunity and helping deal with bronchitis and asthma troubles.
Another recent viral illness with mild-flu-like symptoms is hMPV, which shares similarities with RSV and other such viruses. While solutions are still not found in medicine, Ayurveda helps keep you safe on an initial level. Opt for Patanjali Ayurved’s Arogya Vati Advance 60 N (32 Gm), which has the properties of Giloy, Neem, and Tulsi to keep immunity levels high and well, handle cold and cough troubles and be your partner in general wellness upkeep.

Simple rules to stay safe
1. Cleanliness: Wash your hands with soap, especially when you go out, handle any outside items, or come in contact with those suffering from health troubles. Use sanitiser when soap is not available. Keep your surroundings clean and disinfected.
2. Keep the distance: Maintaining a distance from anyone who might be affected would be a good idea. Keeping distance is vital for those with a high risk of getting infected. Going out only with a reason should be followed to keep the distance.
3. Healthy diet and hydration: Your diet should include all vegetables, fruits and grains to stay healthy. Seasonal troubles or viruses can be kept at bay. Drinking water and healthy fluids like homemade fruit juices and soups should be part of your diet. Eat dry fruits within limits.
Your fight against these latest viruses will be good with these suggestions, Ayurveda and Patanjali.