The concept of happy aging has, in recent times, assumed importance as a topic of both scholarly research and practical relevance. The topic is now termed as “healthy & happy aging.” The first dimension is that the process of aging has to be healthy devoid of any serious physical or mental ailments. As life expectancy all over the globe shows an upward trend because of medical advancements, elderly people must maintain a sound physical as well as mental state so as be independent and capable of doing all “necessary activities” of their own. But this is only one dimension. The other important aspect is that the aging process should be a “happy one” too. This means the elderly should continue to enjoy the journey of life as other counterparts despite their physical / mental weakness / slowdown.
This dimension of happy aging is possibly more important as without this, life becomes a torturous journey as we age. We may be healthy but still not happy. A healthy state is a required but not sufficient condition to be happy as the latter is a function of “mental construct” and “attitude”. The process of aging must, therefore, fulfill both the important dimensions: it should be healthy as well as happy.
Current Status
Globally there has been lots of focus on healthy aging. The United Nations has declared the decade from 2021-2030 as that of “Healthy Aging” and all steps are being taken by the governments as well as society for well-being of older people. Plans and policies by the various governments have been put in place through the creation of medical and social infrastructure so that the general well-being of elderly people can be taken care of. India is no exception with formation of a policy, legal framework for protection of rights of elderly people/parents, and other means. All these policies attempt to improve the quality of healthy aging.
Attitude is the Crux
What we often forget is that a healthy aging process without the contours of happy aging might not have the desired result. We need our elderly people to be happy and content with life, surroundings, family members, happenings; they should feel emotionally connected to the current world. That can happen when two conditions are created: first, the society and other stakeholders create a conducive environment, and second, elders are ready to accept the same.
Here comes the importance of attitude. For this reason, it has been repeatedly argued that elders need to develop a positive frame of mind. This is likely to result in facilitating a positive outlook & vibe and that alone can have a soothing effect on all other things. An elderly person with a positive outlook is likely to have more pain bearing capacity, more absorption capability of adverse events, and so on. Research shows that out of two patients who have undergone the same operation, the patient with a more positive attitude will have less time to recuperate compared to the one who thinks negatively. Thus, a positive outlook can work wonders in the whole process of pain bearing and happy aging process.
Mental Resolve
Mental resolve plays a significant role in the entire gamut of developing this positive attitude towards life. The spirit of living well and fighting adversity must come from within. It implies that we need a “strong resolve.” Many people depend on the power outside (Supreme Powe) to seek this strength. Whether this “resolve” comes from within or outside, its existence is important to solve the problems of life. Elders who do not have mental resolve often tend to break down in a situation of slightly depressing events. The reverse is true for people with strong resolve. They can face adversities with all strength at their disposal.
The research findings have been similar: an elderly person with a strong resolve is often able to charter all difficulties and live a longer and happier life compared to one who is weaker in mental strength. The need of the hour is, therefore, for all elders to try deliberately to develop this mental resolve to face adversities of life.
Some Strategies to Build Mental Resolve
Mediation and other similar mental concentration activities improve mental strength. “OM” chanting might also help.
Reading life stories of people who faced all adversities and came out successfully will help to improve the mental strength.
Interacting with friends with positive energy and good intention helps to ward off negative thoughts.
Deliberate acts to keep away from friends / acquaintances / neighbors who emanate negative energies are must.
Spending time reading spiritual books / visiting nearby temples and spending time there peacefully might create the positive vibe resulting in mental resolve.
Always doing acts that are good without any expectation will help in improving the feel-good factor within us that is essential for mental resolve.
A prayer for at least 5 minutes every morning wishing for all good things to happen and ward off the dreadful things will help improve mental power.
Sense of gratitude for what one has achieved till now helps to be strong and confident.
Way Forward
In view of the exploding population of elderly people round the globe, happy and healthy aging is need of the hour. To make it happen, all stakeholders need to work together; while society and governments can create a conducive environment, the power is to come from within the elders themselves. This power should make them feel good despite physical / mental fragility. And this power can only come from a “strong resolve”. It is time that elderly people at all levels develop adequate mental strength to weather the physical odds and mental adversities happening with and around them. This mental resolve statements like “I am fine,” I am always ok,” “Everything is alright with me” are the true medicines for a long and happy life.
Article by Dr. A K Sen Gupta, Chief Trustee, My Retired Life Foundation (MRLF).