Actress Soundarya Sharma is set to star as the lead opposite Akshay Kumar in the highly anticipated comedy franchise Housefull 5. In an exclusive conversation with The Free Press Journal, Soundarya expressed her excitement, calling the project a “dream come true.” Known for her journey from dentistry to Bollywood and her stint on Bigg Boss 16, she promises a surprising transformation in the film, with a character unlike any she’s played before. Soundarya also shared insights about working with Akshay, praising his punctuality and focus, and credited Bigg Boss for significantly boosting her recognition and career opportunities.
Excerpts from the Interview:
You will be the lead actress in Housefull 5 opposite Akshay Kumar. How does it feel to be part of such a big project?
I’m absolutely thrilled and excited. Being part of Housefull 5 is like a dream come true, especially for a newcomer in Hindi cinema. I’m incredibly grateful to my God-sister, Vardhan Adiyadwala, who believed in me. Even after gaining some fame — be it from Bigg Boss or my ads with Shah Rukh Khan sir, Ajay Devgn sir, and Akshay sir — it doesn’t always translate into work. Her support has been invaluable. It’s surreal to think that as a child, I danced to Housefull songs, and now I’m one of the leading ladies in Housefull 5. It’s an incredible, overwhelming experience, and I feel truly blessed.
Could you tell us about your character in Housefull 5? What can the audience expect?
While I’m bound by an NDA, I can share that this role is something completely different from anything I’ve done before. Many might not even recognise me at first because I look so different! I’m the surprise package of the film. The plot itself is larger-than-life and distinct from previous instalments of the franchise. The audience can expect the unexpected from both my character and the film overall.
Working with Akshay Kumar must be exciting. What’s one thing you’ve learned from him?
Definitely his punctuality and playfulness. He’s so fun and goofy but becomes incredibly focused when it comes to work. Having worked with him before in an ad, I already knew a bit about his professionalism, but being on a film set with him was a completely different experience. He’s a master of balancing discipline with enjoyment on set.
After Bigg Boss 16, how has your life changed?
Bigg Boss 16 was a huge platform for me. While I didn’t necessarily learn anything specific, I realised the importance of staying true to myself. The show taught me that being authentic and maintaining your individuality can lead to bigger achievements. Since the show, my life has changed drastically. The kind of recognition I receive now — from fans stopping me on the streets to mothers and girls hugging me — has been overwhelming. Even while shooting in the UK countryside, people recognised me, thanks to Bigg Boss.
How did participating in Bigg Boss 16 impact your career?
Bigg Boss opened doors to audiences who weren’t familiar with my work. It expanded my reach to Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. For example, my ad with Shah Rukh sir, which I shot before Bigg Boss, gained much more attention after the show aired. On a personal level, I don’t take myself too seriously, and that hasn’t changed. However, Bigg Boss definitely added credibility and broadened my career horizons.
You made your acting debut with Ranchi Diaries. How has your journey been in the industry since then?
It’s been a journey of patience and persistence. Coming from a non-glamorous, academic background as a dentist, carving my own path in Bollywood was challenging. It’s taken five to six years to reach this point. The pandemic was a mixed blessing — it paused work but also gave me the opportunity to do two OTT shows. Studying at the New York Film Academy and Lee Strasberg Theatre in Los Angeles also shaped me. Success doesn’t come overnight. The ups and downs have taught me resilience and patience. Every failure has been a learning opportunity.
How do you balance acting and managing the pressures of the industry?
Honestly, I don’t think I balance it — it’s more about surrendering to the process. I keep working hard and remain an eternal optimist. My undying spirit, patience, and perseverance help me manage the pressures. Yes, there are moments of doubt, but I’ve learned to trust the journey. For me, success is about doing what I love and continuing to hustle. There’s no set formula in this industry — it’s all about persistence and passion.