Mumbai: When Shah Rukh Khan decided to postpone the release of his film ‘Jawaan’ from June to next September, he thought that his film would be releasing solo. That is, no other film will be released for at least 15 days after the release of the film. But, now the Hollywood banner Warner Brothers has announced the release of its film ‘Non Two’ on the same day. Bollywood films and Hollywood have different audiences and sometimes Hollywood and Bollywood films have faced each other and both have run at the box office. However, screen count matters a lot in the release of a film of an actor like Shah Rukh. Shahrukh’s film is released on at least three to four thousand screens at a time. On the other hand, Hollywood movies are released only on screens with 4K technology and premium screens in big cities are pre-booked by their production houses.
In such a situation, the planning of releasing the film of an artist like Shahrukh on maximum screens from the very beginning and earning maximum in the first two-four days can be affected. The first part of the film ‘Nun’ also got good success in India. Therefore, due to its goodwill, the second part is also expected to be successful. The film is going to release in some Indian languages apart from English and Hindi, so it might appeal to other language audiences as well. With Prabhas’ ‘Salar’ slated to release at the end of September, Shah Rukh’s ‘Jawaan’ may again be out of screen a fortnight after its release, especially in the south. With the presence of actors like Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi, Shahrukh’s film is expected to do good business in South as well.