Holi 2025: The festival of Holi in Hinduism is celebrated every year with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm on the full moon day of Phalgun month. Colors are seen flying everywhere on the festival of Holi. The festival of Holi also makes the enemies friends. On the day of Holi, people greeted each other with color. Holika Dahan is performed a day before Holi. People celebrate Holika Dahan as victory over demons.


Apart from this, donations are also made on the festival of Holi. According to Hindu beliefs, donating on the day of Holi leads to virtue. If you donate according to your zodiac on this day, then happiness will come in your life. Also, all the difficulties of life go away. So let us know what things you can benefit from donating on Holi according to your zodiac sign.

When is Holi?

According to the Hindu calendar, this year the full moon date of Phalgun month starts on 13 March at 10.35 am. This date will end on March 14 at 12.23 pm. In such a situation, Holika Dahan will be done on 13 March and Holi will be played on 14 March.


Donate according to the zodiac on Holi

  • People of Aries should donate wheat, copper and red clothes on the day of Holi. This will give you success in jobs and business.
  • People of Taurus should donate silver, yellow and white clothes on Holi. This will improve your financial condition.
  • People of Gemini should donate green items, books and pen on Holi on the day of Holi. This will increase your confidence.
  • People of Cancer sign should donate milk, rice and white flowers on this day. This will give you mental peace.
  • People of Leo sign should donate gold, saffron and orange on this day. This will increase your respect.
  • People of Virgo should donate honey, copper and green fruits on this day. This will give you happiness and peace in life.
  • People of Libra should donate silver, rose and white clothes on this day. This will give you success in your career.
  • People of Scorpio should donate copper, moong and red clothes on this day. This will open the path of success in your life.
  • People of Sagittarius should donate yellow clothes, turmeric and amla on this day. This will make your life progress.
  • People of Aquarius should donate copper, blue clothes and ripe rice on this day. This will remove obstacles from your life. There will be profit in business.
  • People of Pisces should donate white clothes, pearls and milk on this day. This will bring happiness and prosperity in your life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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