Holi 2025: Holi festival means fun and delicious dish, yes, people have a lot of fun on Holi. Whether children or big, the enthusiasm of Holi is starting to all. People have a lot of fun with their friends and family. Enjoy parties, dances and feasts with friends and loved ones. Gujhiya, cold, chips, papad and many other traditional dishes are prepared to eat on Holi. As soon as dawn, friends and relatives start arriving to paint the houses. In such a situation, it is necessary to protect the skin and hair from the damage caused by color.
During Holi, chemical -based colors and flowers are sold well in the market. These harmful colors can damage the skin and hair. So before playing Holi, apply this special oil on your skin and hair.
What to apply on face and hair before playing Holi?
Apply oil on the skin:- To enjoy Holi, apply oil on your face before going out. Apply a thick layer of oil on the face. You can use coconut and almond oil on your face. This will protect the skin. Applying oil will not affect the face tone. Try to stay away from artificial colors on Holi. Applying oil on the face will not only provide a protective layer to the skin, but it will also make it easier to wash the colors later.
Do apply sunscreen: You must apply sunscreen on Holi. Playing Holi in the sun for hours can cause damage to the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to apply high SPF waterproof sunscreen before going out to play Holi. Sunscreen will protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. You should apply sunscreen on your hands and open parts of the body. If you stay out for a long time, apply sunscreen on your face every 2 hours.
Apply oil to the hair before going out:- Before playing Holi, apply oil well in your hair. Due to this, the color does not easily climb in the hair. You can apply mustard, coconut or amla oil. Apply oil and tie the hair properly. This will reduce the loss of color in the hair and also reduce the effect of chemical colors.
How to take care of your nails on Holi:- Do not forget your skin and hair care as well as your nails. Artificial colors used during Holi and bacteria present in water can damage nails. This can cause nail infection. So before playing Holi, apply a thick layer of oil on your nails and cuticles. To protect your nails from becoming colorless, apply nail polish on them and make a thick layer by applying several coats. This will not affect the nails of harmful colors.