Days after the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and his subsequent hospitalisation, singer Mika Singh offered a reward of Rs 1 lakh for the auto driver who took the injured actor to the hospital in Mumbai in the wee hours of January 16.
Mika took to his Instagram stories and shared a photo of the auto driver, lauding him for his “heroic act”. He also stated that the driver, identified as Bhajan Singh Rana, must be rewarded with Rs 11 lakh for the good deed.
“I strongly believe he deserves a reward of at least Rs 11 lakhs for saving India’s favourite superstar. His heroic act is truly commendable. If possible, could you please share his contact information with me? I’d like to reward him with Rs 1 lakh as a token of appreciation (sic),” Mika wrote.
It is yet to be known if the singer could actually reach out to Rana and present him with the reward.
Meanwhile, before getting discharged from the hospital on January 21, Saif met Rana and thanked him for saving his life post the attack on him. Photos of the actor putting his arm around Rana and clicking photos with him went viral. Saif reportedly also rewarded Rana with Rs 50,000 for his help.
Meanwhile, the Mumbai Police has arrested one Mohammed Shehzad, who is allegedly a citizen of Bangladesh, living illegally in and around Mumbai for the past few months. Cops said that Shehzad wanted to steal only Rs 50,000 from the house so that he could return to Bangladesh.
Saif was stabbed multiple times after Shehzad broke into his Bandra apartment in the wee hours of January 16 in an attempt to rob the house. As the actor tried to protect his family, Shehzad attacked him and fled, leaving him with six injuries, and the actor later had to undergo an almost 2-hour-long surgery at the Lilavati Hospital.