Malayalam actress Honey Rose accused activist Rahul Easwar of ‘cyber crime’, days after the arrest of Kerala businessman Boby Chemmanur who, she claimed, had sexually harassed her. Rose stated that Eeswar orchestrated a cyber crime to trivialise the seriousness of her sexual harassment complaint and that she has been receiving death threats because of him.

Rose took to her Facebook handle and slammed Eeswar for subjecting her family to severe mental stress and online abuse. The actress has filed the complaint at the Central Police Station, Ernakulam.

Her note on Facebook read, “Rahul Easwar, my family and I are going through a lot of mental stress. You are one of the main reasons for that. I filed a complaint against the blatant abuse that was made against me on a public platform. The police found my complaint to be valid and registered a case and the court remanded the person I filed the complaint against. All I have to do is file the complaint. The rest is up to the government, police and court.”

“Rahul Easwar is planning an organized crime in cyberspace intending to distort the seriousness of my complaint and turn public opinion against me,” she added.

The actress further said, “Rahul Easwar is the main reason behind the continuous threats I face through the media, including vulgar, double-meaning, and insulting comments aimed at me and my profession. His actions have consistently pushed me into severe mental agony and even driven me towards thoughts of suicide. These actions are deliberate attempts to tarnish my dignity as a woman. Rahul Easwar has repeatedly issued threats to harm me and insult my womanhood, both directly and through social media. He has also attempted to undermine my professional opportunities. Considering the extent of his actions, I am taking legal action against him.”

For those unversed, Honey Rose earlier filed a sexual harassment complaint against businessman Boby Chemmanur, post which he was taken into custody by Wayanad police on Wednesday.

Based on the complaint, a case was registered against the businessman under Section 75 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), 2023, and Section 67 of the IT Act.

After the news of Chemmanur’s arrest surfaced, Rose took to her social media and thanked the Kerala Police. “In this era, no knife or gun is needed to destroy a person; a barrage of vile, obscene, and abusive comments from social media profiles, coupled with a planned campaign, is enough. If social media bullying has a leader, its impact intensifies. It was impossible to remain silent,” she stated.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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