TV actress Hina Khan, who is undergoing treatment for stage-3 breast cancer, recently shared photos from the hospital following her chemotherapy. On Thursday (December 5), the ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ actress took to her Instagram handle to drop photos where she is seen facing away from the camera, holding a pouch bag that is attached to bottles.

In the images, Hina is seen wearing a hospital gown as she walks toward a door, with her back turned to the camera. She dons a beanie cap, having cut her hair, and carries her medical equipment in her hands.

Alongside the photos, she wrote, “Walking towards the brighter side thru these Corridors of Healing… One step at a time… Gratitude Gratitude and only Gratitude Dua.”

Reacting to her post, Ankita Lokhande commented, “Lots of duas for u from the bottom of my heart always and forever.” Actor-comedian Suni Grover wrote, “Jaldi jaldi theek ho jao.”

Arti Singh said, “Lionesss .. Lots of dua for u .. God is standing by your side taking step with you.” While Dalljiet Kaur wrote, “One step at a time darling,” Surbhi Jyoti called Hina “Sherni.”

Earlier this year, in June, Hina Khan revealed that she had been diagnosed with stage-3 breast cancer. She thanked her fans and well-wishers for their unwavering support during this challenging time and continues to share her journey with them.

In an Instagram post, the actress wrote, “I have been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. Despite this challenging diagnosis, I wish to reassure everyone that I am doing well. I am strong, determined and fully committed to overcoming this disease. My treatment has already begun and I am ready to do everything necessary to emerge from this even stronger.”

Hina added, “I kindly ask for your respect and privacy during this time. I deeply appreciate your love, strength and blessings. Your personal experiences, anecdotes and supportive suggestions would mean the world to me as I navigate this journey. I, along with my family and loved ones, remain focused, determined and positive. With the grace of the almighty, we believe I will overcome this challenge and will be completely healthy. Please send your prayers blessings and love.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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