If you want to make food delicious, then the important contribution in it is to spices. Equally important contribution is also to salt. The food remains incomplete without salt. Taste in salt and the body gets iodine. Iodine helps to regulate the function of the thyroid gland in the body. Sodium is found in salt. Therefore, high blood pressure, kidney problem, heart, obesity, skin problems can be faced due to excessive consumption.

Anyway, salt is such a thing without which food cannot be imagined. When the amount of salt in the food is low or high, the taste of food gets completely spoiled. There are many people who eat more salt in food. Excessive consumption of salt can harm health in many ways.

Damage due to excess salt consumption

It is said that a person needs 5 grams of salt throughout the day. It is necessary to function properly of nerves and muscles. Sodium is an important part of salt. If you eat more salt, you may have to face many diseases. RV Ayurveda Hospital Mumbai Doctor Avhad Gorakshanath (Dr. Avhad Gorakshnath) Says that consuming excess salt can increase obesity, uric acid. At the same time, the problem of bleeding can also occur. Along with this, the kidney also affects. At the same time, skin problems can also increase. This can increase the problem of cholesterol.

Never ignore these symptoms

At the same time, consuming more salt things causes the mouth to dry. Because of which there is repeated thirst. If you consume more sodium things before bedtime, then you may have to face the problem of sleeplessness. Eating too much salt before sleeping at night can cause lack of sleep, feeling restless and frequent wake up at night.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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