Mumbai: Allu Arjun, who was a hit at the box office and made a record of Rs 1000 crore in the first week of its release, was arrested in connection with the death of a woman while racing during the premiere of the film in Hyderabad. Hyderabad Police also registered a case against Allu Arjun considering him responsible for his escape. Allu Arjun filed an application in the High Court to cancel the FIR. However, today before the hearing on the petition, Hyderabad Police reached Allu Arjun’s house and took him to the police station and arrested him. At one point, a local court issued an order to keep Allu Arjun in judicial custody for 14 days, which shocked his fans abroad. However, within an hour, the High Court granted interim bail to Allu Arjun and said that as a citizen, the actor also has the right to live his life as per his wish and be free.

Yesterday the premiere show of ‘Pushpa Two’ was held on 4th December night at Sandhya Theatre, Hyderabad. Allu Arjun reached there to participate in this show. A huge crowd of fans gathered to see this. This time, a 35-year-old woman named Revathi died in the stampede, while her eight-year-old son was admitted to the hospital after suffering from severe suffocation. Later, Allu Arjun also expressed grief over the incident and announced a compensation of Rs 25 lakh to the family.

However, Revathi’s husband has filed a complaint against the theater management for negligence in this matter. In this complaint lodged at Chickdapalli Police Station, Allu Arjun was considered a co-accused and a case of murder was registered against the culprit. Police allege that Allu Arjun was not informed in advance by the film team or the theater management that he was coming to the theater. Therefore, the police could not make adequate arrangements here, which led to a stampede. Allu Arjun moved the Telangana High Court to quash the case.

However, before the High Court could hear the case, Chikkadpally police reached Allu Arjun’s residence in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad at 12.45 am today and immediately arrested him. He was taken to the police station. Later, he underwent a medical checkup at Gandhi Hospital and was produced in the local Nampally court at 3.30 pm. The court sentenced Allu Arjun to 14 days judicial custody. After this Allu Arjun was taken to Chanchalguda Central Jail.

This evening, Allu Arjun’s lawyer moved the court seeking quashing of the FIR and interim bail. It said the entire incident was an unintentional act. The actor has been wrongly implicated in this case. During the hearing in the High Court, there was an altercation between the government lawyer and Allu Arjun’s lawyer.

The government lawyer said that due to the presence of Allu Arjun the crowd in the theater had gone out of control. The police had already warned theater owners that the situation could go out of control. The case involves gross negligence and public safety and hence the accused should not be granted bail. Allu Arjun knew that his presence could draw a crowd. However, he attended the premiere without police permission. The police also warned Allu Arjun about the dangers of holding a premiere without permission.

Allu Arjun’s lawyer argued that the actor had come only to watch the film. He was on the floor first. Whereas the incident of escape took place in the balcony at the lower level. Both the police and the theater management were already aware of Allu Arjun’s presence. But, adequate arrangements were not made.

Allu’s lawyer also cited the case of promotion of Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Raees’ in Gujarat, in 2017, after the news spread that Shahrukh Khan was coming by train, a young man was killed in a stampede at Vadodara station. However, Gujarat High Court and Supreme Court had also given relief to Shahrukh Khan in this case. He argued that Allu should also get relief in this matter. He said that Allu Arjun had sought permission from the police and completed all the formalities. But, the matter has been created just to create sensation.

After hearing the arguments of both the parties, the High Court granted interim bail to Allu Arjun for four weeks and asked whether Allu Arjun is an actor and should he be held responsible? He said that the allegations made under sections 105 and 108 of the Indian Penal Code do not prima facie appear to be true. Justice Juvvadi Sridevi said that the actor also has a constitutional right to live a life of his choice and be independent as a citizen. The actor does not appear to be directly responsible. How can this be a case of unintentional death? The court also clarified that the case was already listed and hence it was not being heard with any special priority. Allu Arjun was granted bail on a bond of Rs 50,000. He was also asked to cooperate in the investigation.

The government lawyer asked whether Allu Arjun would have to surrender after four weeks, and the judge replied that he would see.

Why was Baba not arrested despite 121 deaths in Hathras? Allu’s fans’ anger

After the arrest of Allu Arjun, there was anger among his fans on social media. Recalling the incident of Hathras stampede, many people said that 121 people had died in the stampede that took place after Bhole Baba’s satsang in Hathras on July 2. More than 150 were injured. But till date the police has not been able to point a finger at Bhole Baba. Whereas in Hyderabad, only one woman has died in the stampede. Allu Arjun did not even call anyone to gather here. However, he was immediately arrested.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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