
Nine of Swords: You have come a long way. Light at the end of the tunnel

This period calls for resilience, patience, and determination in the face of adversity. The hardest part is now behind you, and soon, you will emerge victorious. Stay strong—this is not the time to give up!


Page of Swords: Curiosity to learn new skills, apprentice-ship, start from the scratch.

This is a time wherein you feel like going back to the slate—exploring new skills and courses. Be curious! Step outside your comfort zone and try something different. There’s a renewed sense of urgency and energy, urging you to change your perspective. Learn and unlearn!


Death: Major changes, transformation, endings, let go

Is your gut telling you that’s it’s over? Well it is then! Metaphorically speaking it is only through death that we are reborn. Time will force you to confront your worst fears and take the right path. NO shortcuts! Sometimes we just have to be brave and face what is in front of us. That is the true path. Move on, let go that which doesn’t serve us. Yes it’s emotional, after all we are only human. However, one day you will look back in gratitude that you were courageous enough. Medically there might be a small operation/ surgery required for some. You know that this change is for your higher growth.


Queen of Pentacles: Mother figure, care, Feminine energy

This signifies a good phase financially when you will feel secure and content. Your hard work will have paid off. It also represents a mother figure who always puts her family and loved ones first. A sensible lady. If your juggling too many family obligations the message is that you have the inherent required resources, just tap onto them. The energy of the card is feminine, kind, rooted and asks us to be in touch with our natural rhythm. You will enter 2025 with a keen sense intuition and security.


Empress: Abundance, beauty, fertility

Your Cup is full. A period of abundance, beauty, luxury, sumptuous feasts, jewellery and the finer things. Fertility and Conception if you are trying to have a child. Pleasure and affairs perhaps a mistress. More so your garden is full of abundance of all kinds. Your fountain is flowing with creation and creativity.


Temperance: Where heaven meets earth, balance between the spiritual and earthly.

A beautiful time which calls for balance, good health, good relationships. It almost feels like a blessing from the angels. A moderate and patient approach will bring peace. Avoid extremes. A card of hope and peace! You will feel more aligned to your goals and to the universe.


Ace of Wands: Passion, enthusiasm. It’s a Yes!!

Wow it’s an Ace! May you find success in all that you do! There is Success backed by hard work and luck! There is a spark in relationships new or existing. Passion, enthusiasm, positive energy. There is excitement in the air! Fuel your desires! Achieve! Good vibes only!


King of Cups: Mature, respected, Trustworthy, empathetic

Use your emotions to guide you! Be the person who embodies all the above! Delve deep in your intuition to find life’s answers. There is an energy which allows you to be sensitive yet passionate, fiery yet dependable! Health and Vitality shine! Be Trustworthy yet define clear boundaries. You will be feeling very responsible and resilient!


The Chariot: Victory, success, movement

Can you smell victory? Well deserved success after a long battle or surmounting all obstacles. A journey or movement could be upcoming too. You are moving ahead positively and surely after overcoming everything. You are very driven . Hard work pays. Stay on course. Do not get distracted. You will be feeling like a star but knowing that it is the beginning of a long journey marching towards success.


The Moon: Uncertainty, feelings, subconscious

In this phase you will feel extra sensitive and have heightened emotions and intuition. Mood swings may beckon. Take a deep breath, listen to some music, chant and meditate. Get into a zone. Let the emotions flow. Do not block anything. Pay attention to your feelings. Trust your instincts and dreams. If you feel something is not right then maybe you need to delve deeper. This could be a clock and dagger phase with under currents and things happening below the surface. This period wants you to dig deeper! You could experience a spiritual connection.


10 of Pentacles: Wealth, inheritance, extended family and friends

You will reach out to extended family and friends. You will be part of a wealthy and powerful social circle that is happy to help out their own. This period could also represent arriving at your financial goals. You could be setting up legacies, trust funds, and be part of generational wealth.


Knight of Swords: Determination and action

You are raring to go towards your goals. Move ahead swiftly with confidence and determination. Do not let anything deter you from your path. Overcome obstacles with decisive actions. However avoid unnecessary impulses and confrontations. Use your intellect, power and authority to forge ahead in life. You will move into march your birthday month with style and a steely resolve.

(Gita Hariani is a numerologist, tarot card reader, Bach flowers practitioner and banker. Follow her on Instagram: @evolvewithgitahariani)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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