Pune Sets New Record With 70 Deceased Organ Donations In 2024, Saving 181 Lives: Here’s How You Can Sign Donor Card | Sourced

The Pune Zonal Transplant Coordination Committee (ZTCC) has reported a remarkable achievement in organ donation in 2024. With 70 deceased donors recorded in 2024, Pune has surpassed its previous record of 63 donations in 2018 and 2019. This reflects the city’s growing commitment to saving lives through organ transplantation.

These donors included filmmakers, journalists, doctors, pilots, and businesspeople. Not just the donation, but the rapid transportation of organs to save lives has been made possible by public awareness-raising campaigns and initiatives like green corridors, which are helping the initiative further.

ZTCC Pune Chairman Dr. AG Huprikar praised the commitment of the coordinators and physicians. He emphasized how their caring approach to advising bereaved families to donate their organs has helped many people convert their grief into optimism. “This year alone, 181 lives have been spared because of such remarkable choices. We express our deepest gratitude to all those involved in this life-saving mission,” he said.

Pune ZTCC coordinator Aarti Gokhale said, “In 2024, 70 donors saved 181 lives. The ZTCC centre has facilitated 557 organ donations to help save 1,355 lives in the past 20 years. The centre was established in 2004, and since then, the number of donations has increased, even in government hospitals.”

Donations in 2024

In 2024, a total of 181 organs were successfully transplanted within the Pune zone, reflecting a significant achievement in the region’s organ donation and transplant efforts. 93 kidneys, 58 livers, 6 hearts, 4 kidney-pancreas combos, 1 heart-lung combination, and 14 lungs were among the organs transplanted.

The organisation has saved hundreds of lives since its formation. Since 2004, the growth in organ donation has been improving over time in the Pune zone. In 2024, there were 70 donors, bringing the total number of organ donors during the previous 20 years to 557. This expansion demonstrates the ongoing work of groups like the ZTCC Pune and the growing public understanding of the significance of organ donation.

Sign the Donor Card
Visit ZTCC Pune and sign the Organ Donor Card, indicating your consent to donate after death.

Carry the Card
Keep the signed card in your wallet or pocket at all times.

Inform Your Family
Tell your immediate relatives about your decision so they can honor your wish.

Understand the Process
Organ donation occurs only after death and is voluntary, with no financial compensation.

Emergency Use
The card also includes your emergency contact details for quick assistance.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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