The function of each organ in our body is different , In which the heart is the most important organ. The heart keeps on beating day and night and causes blood and oxygen to all parts of the body, and that is why all the parts of the body work properly. Therefore, it is most important to keep the heart healthy. The obstruction of the arteries is the fastest growing serious problem today. If there is obstruction in the arteries leading to the heart, then it is called coronary artery disease. In this case, immediate treatment is necessary. If the arteries of the body begin to narrow, some symptoms arise. Today we tell you 5 symptoms of vein blockage. If you see these symptoms, take immediate treatment.
Symptoms of heart obstruction
1. According to doctors, if you feel heaviness in the chest and feel repeated vomiting, it can be a symptom of digestive system problem or arterial obstruction. If problems like vomiting and indigestion occur frequently, contact the doctor.
2. Do not ignore it if there is a sudden pain and swelling in the feet. When the arteries begins to block, the fluid starts accumulating in the lower limbs of the body. This can cause pain and swelling in the lower legs including knees and calves.
3. According to health experts, if you feel tired or dizzy without doing any work, it may be a symptom of arterial obstruction. When the arteries are blocked, the heart has to work harder to pump blood, which makes a constant fatigue.
4. If you start breathing even when walking a little distance or climbing the stairs, then it can be a symptom of interruption in the arteries. This happens when the body does not get enough oxygen. So you have to breathe deeply.
5. Chest pain occurs when the arteries of the heart are obstructed. This is the biggest and serious symptom. If this symptom is not taken care of, the situation can be serious. If you are having chest pain, get the doctor checked.