It is important to maintain the level of vitamins in the body. Winter season is going on, most people are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is supplied by sunlight. In winter, sunlight does not fall properly, due to which the body is not able to get Vitamin D properly.


The important thing is that deficiency of Vitamin D in the body causes fatigue, lethargy, bones and muscles become weak. In such a situation, the intake of Vitamin D should be completed. To compensate for its deficiency in winter, you can eat dry fruits. So let us know which dry fruits can be consumed to overcome Vitamin D deficiency.


Figs are considered a rich source of Vitamin D. It contains calcium and potassium in abundance. It is beneficial for bone strength and heart health. Dried figs help the body absorb calcium, which benefits bones and teeth.


Apart from fiber, protein, potassium and magnesium, dates contain Vitamin D in abundance. It helps in maintaining energy levels in the body. Dates are also a natural sweetener. To avoid Vitamin D deficiency, eat 2 to 3 dates daily.

dried apricots

Dried apricots are also very healthy. Let us tell you that along with Vitamin D, it also contains iron and potassium. All these are very beneficial for bones.


Eating soaked almonds daily improves memory. It is also considered beneficial for hair. It contains Vitamin E and D. Almonds also contain fiber, protein, copper and magnesium. All these nutrients work to strengthen bones and muscles.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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