It is very important to have a balanced diet in diabetes. You should try to eat foods with low glycemic index so that the sugar level does not increase. Additionally, eat foods that are rich in fiber. Apart from this, try to eat such foods which increase metabolic rate. One such thing is milk. Consumption of milk helps in increasing the metabolic rate in your body. Apart from this, its fiber speeds up the digestion process and controls the production of glucose. So let us know how to consume milk.

Benefits of eating milk in diabetes

Sugar is digested quickly

Milk speeds up the digestion of sugar. Apart from this, it increases the production of insulin due to which sugar automatically gets digested faster. Apart from this, milk has low glycemic index which is easily digested.

Fasting glucose will also remain under control

Fasting helps control glucose. One major cause of fasting glucose is prolonged constipation due to sugar control problems. If you consume milk then the problem of constipation goes away. And helps in reducing fasting sugar. So for all these reasons milk should be consumed.

how to use

Diabetic patients should use milk in such a way that the natural water present in it is not destroyed. You can also use it in making milky soup, vegetables and parathas.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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