Rajiv Kapoor, the youngest brother of Rishi Kapoor and Randhir Kapoor, passed away in 2021 at the age of 58 following a cardiac arrest. Actress-turned-politician Khushbu Sundar recently opened up about her bond with Rajiv and shared that he struggled with alcoholism, which affected his health majorly.

Speaking to Vickey Lalwani, she said that his heart issues were a result of his addiction to alcohol, of which everyone was aware that could lead to serious consequences for him. However, despite their efforts, they were unable to help him quit.

Further, she shared that Rajiv was keeping ‘extremely low.’ He also had a major knee issue, for which he underwent several surgeries, but unfortunately, that did not provide any relief. “We were definitely aware that Chimpu was unwell. I was in Bombay when Chimpu died. I was informed about his death by Boney Kapoor. He called me and said, ‘Chimpu is no more’. It came as a rude shock to me,” Khushbu added.

Sundar revealed that she spoke to Rajiv a day before his death, during the COVID-19 period, when he was running a fever, Despite being unwell, he was his usual self. “He was taking his health lightly and promised to meet soon,” she shared.

Khushbu shared that Rajiv’s death came as a shock to her and even years after his passing, she still believes that he is with her. Further, she revealed that she has not deleted Rajiv’s number from her phone yet.

“He has taught me so many things. I only put white nail paint on my toes because Chimpu once told me that it’s classy. He had told me this in 1983, and till date, I only use the same paint. He didn’t like the way I walk, so he made me learn how to walk with heels without making any noise,” she concluded.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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